Why is there a black line on your belly when you’re pregnant?

A pregnant woman will grow a black line on her stomach when she is pregnant, which is due to changes in hormone levels during pregnancy, and is also called a stretch mark.

This line often appears in the middle of the abdomen, is due to women in pregnancy, the body’s hormone levels change, hormonal stimulation leads to melanin in the abdomen in the middle of the abdominal white line deposition, in the production of labor and delivery of a year or so of this stretch marks will naturally disappear.

Pregnant women during pregnancy will also appear sweat secretion, skin darkening, spotting and so on, these are normal physiological phenomena of pregnancy, no need to panic, do not need to do treatment. There are no medications or skin care products that can remove or change stretch marks, and it is not recommended to blindly apply something to remove them to prevent harm to the skin.

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