Will estradiol be elevated by taking dextroprogesterone tablets?

Estradiol will not be elevated by taking Deferiprone tablets, which is an oral progestin, and diestradiol, which is an estrogen.
Deferiprone induces the conversion of the endometrium into a secretory endometrium, thus preventing estrogen-induced endometrial hyperplasia, and is mainly used for the treatment of a variety of disorders caused by endogenous progesterone deficiency. Estradiol is an important female hormone, but it is not the same hormone as progesterone, which belongs to estrogenic drugs, so it can not cause estradiol to rise by taking dydrogesterone tablets.
Adverse effects of Deferiprone Tablets mainly include headache, irregular uterine bleeding, vomiting, change in libido, depressed mood, nervousness, hypersensitivity reactions, atopic dermatitis, breast pain/pressure.
The use of specific drugs need to be under the guidance of a professional doctor, do not judge the use of drugs to avoid danger.

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