What to take for a red, swollen, inflamed throat in adults

Adults with red, swollen and inflamed throats may have chronic pharyngitis, acute tonsillitis, acute pharyngitis, etc. Oral antibiotics and lozenges are often chosen according to the cause and condition. 1. Chronic pharyngitis: first of all, improve life habits, prohibit smoking and drinking, drink more water, and use voice properly. In addition, you can take tablets, such as clear pharyngeal drops, silver yellow tablets, watermelon cream tablets, grass coral tablets, etc., to reduce swelling and relieve discomfort. 2. Acute tonsillitis: preferred penicillin antibiotics to treat the disease, timely control of symptoms of infection, can be combined with the use of cotrimoxazole gargle gargle, clean throat. For those who are allergic to penicillin, azithromycin, erythromycin and other drugs can be chosen. 3. Acute pharyngitis: viral and bacterial infections can cause acute inflammation. For viral infections, oseltamivir can be used, and for bacterial infections, the above mentioned antibiotics can be used. In addition, the above mentioned tablets can be taken to relieve the symptoms. It is recommended that patients drink plenty of water during the illness and seek medical attention to identify the cause of the illness, and the above medications should be used in accordance with the doctor’s instructions.

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