Can cornhusk in water lower uric acid

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that uric acid can be lowered through diuretic drainage, as cornhusk has diuretic swelling, liver and gallbladder effects, according to Chinese medicine theory cornhusk in water has a certain role in promoting uric acid excretion, but it should be noted that cornhusk in water has limited efficacy, can not replace the medication used in the treatment of disease. Cornhusk is the style and stigma of the grass plant corn. The drug has the effect of diuretic and swelling, clearing the liver and gallbladder, can be used for edema, dribbling urine (the feeling of not being able to urinate), jaundice, cholecystitis, gallstones, high blood pressure, diabetes, breast milk and other conditions of the treatment. In the use of should pay attention to take the medicine during the avoidance of spicy and stimulating food. Patients with high uric acid are advised to go to a regular hospital for consultation and treatment under the guidance of a professional physician for evidence-based treatment.

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