Is it good to have a decrease in the value of hepatitis B e antigen?

The e antigen positive in the hepatitis B two-to-one test, or what we commonly call the major triplet, represents a more infectious hepatitis B. The degree of viral replication is also more active, and the hepatitis B DNA quantification is also higher. The e antigen number turned negative or declined, must be a good thing, this should be discussed in two cases: 1, the patient was originally a major triple-positive, high replication of viral DNA, after antiviral treatment e antigen turned negative, representing the degree of hepatitis B virus replication also decreased, the infectiousness declined, antiviral achieved partial success, this is a good thing. 2, the patient was previously a major triple-positive, but did not undergo antiviral treatment. This is a good thing. 2. If the patient was previously a major triple-positive, but did not undergo antiviral treatment and turned into a minor triple-positive on his own, this situation may also have a mutation in the pre-C region of the hepatitis B virus gene, and the DNA of the virus may still be positive.

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