Are inflammatory changes in the sigmoid colon serious

The severity of inflammatory changes in the sigmoid colon depends on the specific classification; if it is simple inflammation, it is usually not serious; if it is ulcerative colitis, it is more serious.
Sigmoiditis simple inflammation, usually only for the intestinal mucosa congestion, edema, symptoms may have a high number of stools, stools are not shaped, the feeling of incomplete stools, there can be a slight pain in the left lower abdomen, can be improved after the stool, usually the color of the stool does not change, this kind of sigmoid colonitis is generally not serious.
Ulcerative sigmoiditis is a kind of autoimmune related colitis, usually wide range of intestinal lesions, deep ulcers, there may be mucous pus and blood stools, acute and severe, but also anemia, weight loss, and may have a tendency to malignant changes, so it is more serious.
Inflammatory changes in the sigmoid colon should be hospitalized and treated under the guidance of a doctor.

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