What does Sizheng Pills cure?

Si Zheng Wan can be used to treat internal injury and dampness stagnation, malignant cold and fever, abdominal distension and diarrhea. Sizheng Pill belongs to the category of proprietary Chinese medicines, which is mainly composed of patchouli, Elsholtzia paltrini, Perilla frutescens, Angelica dahurica, sandalwood, papaya, Fahanxia, and Houpao (ginger-roasted) and other medicines. It has the efficacy of dispelling summer heat, resolving dampness and stopping diarrhea. It is used for internal injury and dampness stagnation, external wind-cold, dizziness and heaviness, malignant cold and fever, nausea and vomiting, tasteless diet, abdominal distension and diarrhea. Sizheng Pill adverse reactions, contraindications are not clear; use should pay attention to, avoid smoking, alcohol; chronic diseases should be taken under the guidance of a physician; fever body temperature of more than 38.5 ℃ patients, should go to the hospital; vomiting and diarrhea should be timely to go to the hospital; allergy to this drug is prohibited, allergic to the use of caution. Chinese medicines and proprietary Chinese medicines are recommended to be used under the guidance of a professional Chinese medicine practitioner, and individuals should not use them blindly to avoid adverse consequences.

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