The formation and elimination of dark circles under the eyes

What are the reasons for the formation of dark circles under the eyes? 1, excessive fatigue Lack of sleep, excessive fatigue, so that the eyelids do not get rest, in a state of tension and contraction, the blood flow in the area increased for a long time, causing the subcutaneous tissue of the eye circles to be filled with blood vessels, which leads to the circles of the eyes bruised, stagnant under the dull black shadow. 2. Varicose Veins Varicose veins in the eye sockets or eyelids, as well as long-term edema of the eyelids, can also cause venous blood depression. 3, Trauma Contusions to the eye sockets or eyelids can cause subcutaneous bleeding and create the appearance of dark circles. 4, physical weakness and disease People who have been sick and weak for a long time or are recovering from a serious illness are prone to skin pigmentation due to weak subcutaneous tissues around the eyes and are very likely to show up on the upper and lower eyelids with a layer of dark circles. At the same time, people with kidney deficiency make both eyes lack the nourishment of essence, making the black float on top, hence the dark circles around the eyes. 5, congenital genetics The patient’s orbicularis oculi muscle is congenitally thicker, or the pigment of the eye skin is congenitally darker and more pigmented than the neighboring parts of the skin, so it shows dark gray eyes. How to eliminate dark circles under the eyes? 1, acupressure Dark circles are mostly caused by poor blood circulation, acupressure helps to open the blood vessels; apply eye cream or eye nutrition cream on the skin around the eyes. Use your ring finger to press and lightly press the Indo acupuncture point, the eyelid acupuncture point, the fish waist acupuncture point and the Cheng Weep acupuncture point, the four white acupuncture points, each acupuncture point pressed for 3-5 seconds and then relax, do it 10 times in a row. Next, use the middle finger and ring finger to gently massage from the inner canthus to the outer canthus by pulling lightly, 10 times in a row. Finally, use the index finger, middle finger and ring finger tip to lightly play around the eyes, 3-5 circles. 2, green tea dry compress Used green tea tea bags are a good helper to eliminate dark circles, the tea bags will be dried in the refrigerator for half an hour, put on the dark circles for 20 minutes. Note that the tea bag must be dry enough, otherwise the color of the tea may remain in the eye, but will deepen the dark circles. 3, egg massage Boil an egg and peel off the shell while it is still hot. Wrap the egg in clean gauze and gently rub circles around the eyes, doing so can increase blood circulation in the eyes, the dark circles caused by poor circulation of the eye microvasculature has a wonderful effect on the dispersion of stasis.

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