How old do you have to be to get a nine-pronged shot?

Nine-valent is good for 16-26 years old, younger than 16 years old and older than 26 years old should not be vaccinated with nine-valent vaccine. Nine-valent for HPV cervical cancer nine-valent vaccine, mainly to prevent HPV (human papillomavirus) type 6, 11, 16, 18 and other nine types of HPV infection, can effectively reduce the rate of HPV infection, as well as the incidence of cervical cancer and the incidence of disease and death rate. HPV vaccine has bivalent vaccine, quadrivalent vaccine, nine-valent vaccine, all types of HPV vaccine have different vaccination age and different types of HPV prevention, in which the nine-valent HPV vaccine is suitable for women between the ages of 16-26 years old, in order to improve the preventive effect of the nine-valent vaccine, you need to complete the three injections in accordance with the vaccine within the time of the vaccine, respectively, for the month of 0, 02, and 06 months. Married women need to be screened for HPV and TCT before receiving the nine-valent vaccine, and can receive the nine-valent vaccine normally after abnormalities are ruled out. If adverse reactions such as redness, swelling and pain at the vaccination site occur after vaccination, they need to go to the hospital in time. If the symptoms of adverse reactions to the vaccine cannot be relieved, you need to go to the hospital in time for treatment.

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