How to regulate body weakness and uterine cold

People with body weakness and uterine cold can choose some medicines that have the effect of warming the menstruation and dispersing cold to regulate the treatment, such as Ai Fu Warming the Uterus Pill and Warming the Menstruation and Promoting Blood Tablet. 1. Ai Fu Warming the Uterus Pill: has the effect of regulating qi and tonifying blood, warming the uterus and regulating menstruation, it can be used for menstrual disorders and dysmenorrhea caused by blood deficiency and stagnation of qi, and deficiency and coldness of the lower focal point, which can be seen in menstrual disorders, small amount of menstruation, blood clots, pain in the abdomen, menstrual pain and warmth of the abdomen and soreness of the waist and knees, and so on. When taking this product, it should be noted that avoid spicy, cold food, pay attention to warmth, cold and menstruation with abdominal pain, refusing to press or chest and ribs (chest and ribs) distension and pain should not be used, pregnant women are prohibited, the adverse effects are not yet clear. 2. Warming Menstruation and Promoting Blood Tablet: It has the effect of tonifying qi and nourishing blood, warming menstruation and promoting blood circulation, and can be used for late menstruation caused by qi deficiency and blood stasis, low volume, menstrual and abdominal pain, lumbar and leg pains, and weakness of limbs, etc. It is contraindicated for pregnant women. This product is contraindicated for pregnant women, and the adverse effects are not clear. The above drugs should be used under the guidance of a doctor. People with body weakness and uterine cold are recommended to consult a professional doctor in time.

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