The Dangers of Expired Baking Soda

The dangers of expired baking soda include reduced effectiveness and the production of harmful substances.
It is not recommended to use baking soda after the expiration date, although not all expired baking soda will necessarily lose its activity, but because it is difficult to identify by the naked eye and taste, so it is not recommended to take the risk of using expired baking soda.
At the same time, baking soda after the expiration date may produce some harmful substances to the human body, such as mold, bacterial reproduction exceeding the standard and other phenomena, the use of which may cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and other food poisoning symptoms.
Baking soda usually refers to sodium bicarbonate, which is usually used in pasta when used as food to improve the fiber structure of pasta, soften its texture, and at the same time neutralize the acidity in pasta. However, there are some disadvantages of consuming baking soda, such as the fact that baking soda destroys vitamins B₁ and B₂ as well as vitamin C, leading to deficiencies of the corresponding vitamins.
Therefore, in order to food safety, it is recommended not to use expired baking soda, baking soda after the purchase of airtight storage as much as possible, and use as soon as possible; at the same time, the consumption of baking soda should be moderate, to avoid excessive destruction of nutrients and other issues.

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