Can you take sildenafil for cauda equina erectile dysfunction?

The cauda equina erectile dysfunction can’t take sildenafil, the cauda equina damage is belongs to the sexual dysfunction caused by organic injury, so take sildenafil generally can’t play a direct therapeutic effect. If the cauda equina is damaged, it may be due to trauma, tumor, lumbar disc herniation and other diseases that compress the cauda equina, you should go to the hospital in time for further examination to clarify the cause of the disease, and actively treat the cause of the disease. If the cauda equina is compressed by tumor, herniated lumbar disc, etc., the symptoms can be improved by surgery to release the compression. The function of the cauda equina nerve will be gradually restored and the erectile dysfunction will be gradually improved by relieving the compression. If the cauda equina nerve is damaged, it is recommended to go to the hospital for examination and treatment as prescribed by the doctor.

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