What causes yellowish color in children

Yellowish color in children may be caused by malnutrition, anemia, parasitic disease, abnormal liver function and so on. Of course, carrots and pumpkin and other carotene-rich foods eaten in excess may also cause yellowish color in children.
With the improvement of living standards, few children are malnourished because they don’t have enough to eat, but most of them are caused by picky eating, and picky eating also causes anemia, which also leads to yellowish color. Parasitic diseases and liver function abnormalities may cause bile excretion disorders, resulting in jaundice, which can also manifest as a yellowish color.
If the child has no symptoms other than yellow color, parents can give the child less pumpkin or carrots, observe for a period of time, if the symptoms do not improve, then take the child to the hospital for relevant examinations, to clarify the cause of the disease.

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