Can Jinwu Bone Tong Capsule be taken together with Hu Li San Tablets?

Jinwu Bone Tong Capsule can be taken together with Hu Li San Tablet, but not all patients are suitable for taking these two drugs at the same time, it is recommended to use under the guidance of a professional doctor. 1. Jinwu Bone Tong Capsule: It is composed of Jinwu Dog Spine, Epimedium, Weiling Xian, Wuzui Snake, etc. Its effect is to nourish the liver and kidney, dispel wind and dampness (dispel wind and dampness in the body), activate blood circulation, often used in the treatment of deficiency of the liver and kidney (weakness of the liver and kidneys), wind, cold and dampness paralysis caused by the soreness of the waist and legs, numbness of limbs, etc. The adverse effects of the drug are not clear. The adverse reactions of this drug are not clear, and its contraindication is that pregnant women should not take it. 2. Tiger Balm tablets: composed of the preparation of the grass crow, panax notoginseng and other drugs. Its effects are to expel wind and remove dampness, relax tendons and activate collaterals (stretching the tendons and bones, dredging the meridians and channels), remove blood stasis, and eliminate swelling and pain (eliminating swelling and pain). It is clinically used for rheumatism and numbness, tendon and bone pain, bruises and injuries. The adverse effects of the drug is not clear; note that its contraindications are prohibited for pregnant and lactating women; severe heart disease, hypertension, liver and kidney disease should not be taken. From the composition and efficacy of the above two drugs, there is no contraindication, can be taken together; the above proprietary Chinese medicine should be used in the professional Chinese medicine practitioner after identification, do not blindly self-medication, so as not to cause adverse reactions.

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