What’s wrong with a kid who keeps falling down when he walks?

Children always fall down when they walk, which may be related to factors such as wearing, central nervous system disease, and backward motor development.
1. Dressing: If parents give children shoes that are too big or too small, and the softness of the soles is not suitable, it may affect the child’s walking posture. The child is always prone to fall when walking.
2. Diseases of central nervous system: the child’s cerebellar development is abnormal or suffering from bacterial meningitis, viral meningitis, tuberculous meningitis and other diseases, which may affect the normal balance function and appear walking always fall.
3. Backward motor development: children’s motor development is backward, the musculoskeletal system has not been developed soundly, which may also lead to children always fall down when walking.
There may be other clinical reasons that may cause a child to fall all the time. It is recommended to take your child to the pediatrics or orthopedics department of the hospital as soon as possible to complete the relevant examinations and identify the specific causes of the child’s constant falling.

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