Does a retrobulbar rash go away on its own?

Retroreflective rash usually does not subside by itself, and can be treated by pimecrolimus ointment, tacrolimus ointment and other medications. Retroreflective rash is usually caused by the use of skin with hormone cosmetics caused by the symptoms of the disease, the patient in daily life for a long time to use some hormone-containing skin care products, or repeated use of hormone ointment on their own, so that the surface of the skin is too sensitive to cause dependence. Retro-optic rash patients need to stop using hormone-containing skin care products or medicines in normal times, and at the same time follow the doctor’s instructions to apply pimecrolimus ointment, tacrolimus ointment and so on, and its symptoms are relieved. Inverse light rash is usually caused by irritation-dependent dermatitis, it is more difficult to cure, need to rely on drug treatment. The affected area can be applied locally with hormonal ointment, such as hydrocortisone butyrate ointment. The above drugs need to be used under the guidance of a professional doctor. If the patient has a retrograde rash, it is recommended to go to the dermatology department of the regular hospital in a timely manner, under the guidance of the doctor to standardize and treat.

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