How long does it usually take for atopic asthma to clear up?

Variant asthma is generally incurable and can only be treated long-term under the guidance of a doctor to control symptoms and improve quality of life. Variant asthma, including cough variant asthma and chest tightness variant asthma, belongs to a special type of asthma, which does not have the typical clinical symptoms of asthma, and mainly manifests as irritating dry cough or chest tightness. The treatment principle of this disease is the same as that of typical asthma, in order to identify and avoid the possible causes of the disease in time, and at the same time, improve the symptoms through drug treatment. Commonly used drugs include glucocorticosteroids such as budesonide and beta₂ agonists such as salmeterol. The above medications should be used under the supervision of a doctor, and self-medication should be avoided. Usually, variant asthma can be completely controlled after long-term standardized treatment and avoiding exposure to allergens, but about 1/3 of the patients become typical asthma due to improper treatment or other reasons. Therefore, patients suffering from variant asthma should be under the guidance of a doctor for long-term treatment.

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