Is the swelling and tightness of the neck and the feeling of pressure a sign of fire?

Neck swelling and tightness with a sense of pressure may not only because of fire, may be caused by a variety of reasons, such as neck muscle strain, soft tissue inflammation, thyroid disease, tumor compression will also appear such symptoms. 1. Muscle strain: when the neck is long term tired or in a bad posture, the neck muscles become stiff and swollen, resulting in swelling and tightening of the neck with a feeling of pressure. 2. Soft tissue inflammation: inflammation of the soft tissues around the neck, such as cellulitis, cervical myofasciitis, etc., leading to swelling of the soft tissues around the neck, resulting in compression, the same will occur in the neck swelling, tightness and compression of the clinical manifestations. 3. Thyroid disease: such as simple goiter, hyperthyroidism, etc., with the swelling of the thyroid gland and surrounding tissues will form a certain sense of pressure on the neck. 4. Tumor compression: if there is a tumor around the neck, with the increase of the tumor body, the neck will be compressed, and there will be swelling, tightness and compression in the neck. The swelling, tightness and pressure in the neck alone cannot be judged accurately, and it needs to be combined with the characteristics of medical history and other examination results to make accurate judgment, so it is recommended to clarify the cause of the disease under the guidance of the doctor and treat it positively.

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