What’s that rotten smell in your teeth?

A rotten odor in the teeth may be caused by food impaction, dental caries, calculus, periodontitis. It is recommended to go to the hospital to confirm the diagnosis and treatment. 1. Food impaction: It is easy for food to be embedded in the gap between the teeth, and if it is not cleaned in time, it will be fermented and stinky. It is recommended to use dental floss to clean the gap after eating, and then brush your teeth and rinse your mouth. 2. Dental caries: caries between the teeth, dental bacteria between the teeth corrosion of the tooth, long-term cleanup is not clean, the decay of the tooth will be stinky and black. It is recommended to go to the hospital in time to remove the decayed tooth body after repair. 3. Calculus: between the teeth usually not clean up the accumulation of calculus, daily brushing is very difficult to remove. The yellowing and blackening of calculus will also have a foul odor, it is recommended to carry out ultrasonic cleaning, which is conducive to the removal of calculus. 4. Periodontitis: periodontal inflammation can cause teeth bleeding and loose, and oral odor. It is recommended to go to the hospital for examination and treatment of periodontitis. Daily life must pay attention to oral hygiene, found that dental problems should be timely treatment.

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