Can you have sex on the 20th day of circumcision?

Circumcision on the twentieth day is generally allowed to have sex, but the specific circumstances need to be judged under the guidance of the doctor. After the circumcision, the patient’s condition will gradually recover, generally in about 20 days, the wound healing is better, usually can have sex, but need to pay attention to avoid too large range of motion during intercourse. After taking circumcision, patients are affected by a variety of factors such as personal constitution, postoperative recovery, the specific time of coitus varies from person to person, and can not be generalized. Patients should pay attention to appropriate rest after surgery, avoid overwork, diet should eat more protein and vitamins more food such as beef, fresh vegetables, etc., for the recovery of the disease has certain benefits. After the circumcision, the patient should pay attention to the coitus, should pay attention to the action gently, avoid too violent, resulting in wound cracking, affecting the condition of the recovery.

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