How is lower extremity atherosclerosis occlusive disease treated?

  The first time I saw the doctor, I was in the hospital. Hospital. Under the treatment, Li not only saved his leg, the quality of life was not affected too much.  The old man’s foot pain was so bad that he lost sleep at night for half a month Zhuji’s Li Da Bo (pseudonym) was widowed at an early age and has only one son to depend on. All along, Li Da Bo is the main family support, although the son also began to work not long ago, but the son will have to get married and have children, Li Da Bo think or can not let go of the heart, still running around every day.  A month ago, Uncle Li felt his right foot pain up, and more and more pain. Especially at night, the pain is so bad that you can not sleep, often need to eat painkillers. After almost half a month, Uncle Li could not stand it and went to the local hospital to see. After four or five days of treatment, still no effect, Li Dabu transferred to Hangzhou.  Just come, toes all icy cold, no feeling at all. Then a touch, the whole leg is cold, the calf is littered with purple petechiae, like a marble pattern.” The initial diagnosis was that the arteries of Master Yao’s entire right leg were faulty and probably occluded.  Through the arteriogram, my diagnosis was confirmed that the right common iliac artery of Uncle Li was severely stenosed secondary to thrombosis, and the whole artery on the right leg was occluded throughout, facing the risk of amputation.  It was clear that Uncle Li was suffering from lower limb atherosclerosis-occlusive disease, so he had to be treated urgently, but this also put Uncle Li in a dilemma.  ”Due to the long time of ischemia, local tissues have been necrotic, and a large amount of toxins have accumulated locally, and the process of unblocking the blocked blood vessels will release a large amount of toxins, which will easily induce systemic multi-organ failure, such as renal insufficiency and cardiac insufficiency.” However, if there is no timely intervention, the situation will only get worse, the whole leg will not be saved, and even life-threatening.  After repeated communication, Uncle Li decided to undergo surgery. Fortunately, the surgery was completed successfully, the right leg was preserved, and the motor function of most joints was restored to normal, and there was no organ failure, and there was no great impact on normal life.  Walking for a while may be a leg vascular problem Lower limb atherosclerosis occlusive disease is due to the formation of atherosclerotic plaque in the lower limb arteries, causing narrowing and occlusion of the lower limb arteries, which leads to chronic ischemia of the limbs. As the standard of living improves and the population ages, the incidence of lower extremity atherosclerosis-occlusive disease increases year by year.  ”According to statistics from the U.S. side, the overall population prevalence is around 5 percent. But the older you get, the higher the incidence, with the incidence above the age of 70 at 13-15 percent.” Lower extremity atherosclerotic occlusive disease is mostly seen in men, and smoking, diabetes, hypertension and hyperlipidemia are all high-risk factors that trigger the disease. Among them, the incidence of diabetics and smokers is 3-4 times higher than that of the normal population.  In terms of clinical symptoms, it is a gradual aggravation process. In the early stage, there may be no obvious symptoms or only slight discomfort, such as abnormal foot sensation and weakness in walking.  In the middle stage, intermittent claudication symptoms will appear, which is a characteristic symptom of lower limb atherosclerosis occlusive disease. It is manifested as fatigue, soreness and discomfort of the affected limb after walking a certain distance, and the pain is relieved after sitting down and resting for a while, but the symptoms recur after walking again. “After walking a certain distance, the oxygen consumed in the foot exceeds the oxygen that the blood can supply, and the nerve fibers will produce ischemic pain. For example, some patients walk 200 meters and experience pain in the calf or hip.”  In addition, there is a correlation between the site of the soreness and the location of the vascular lesion. “The most common clinical site, the iliac artery or the femoral artery.” Iliac artery lesions present with three symptoms, one is ischemic pain in the gluteal muscles after walking, one is diminished or absent pulsation of the femoral artery in the groin, and in male patients, vascular impotence.  As the lesion progresses further, resting pain develops, meaning that distal limb pain is present when the patient is at rest and tends to occur when lying down and at night rest. Ulcers and gangrene may eventually develop in the limbs, mostly induced by minor skin injuries.  It is also important to note that lower extremity atherosclerosis occlusive disease should also be differentiated from lumbar disc lesions and thrombo-occlusive vasculitis. “Clinically, there are often patients who think it is lumbar spondylosis because of lumbar pain and seek medical help everywhere, only to find out later that it is lower limb atherosclerosis occlusive disease, but at this time, the best time for treatment is often missed.” To intervertebral disc lesion symptoms and body position is obviously related, changing the position can make the symptoms reduce or alleviate, while the limb artery pulsation is normal, while lower limb arteriosclerosis occlusive disease common pulse weakened or disappeared.  Self-examination can measure the lower dorsal foot artery pulsation “three high”, atherosclerosis patients, long-term smoking middle-aged and elderly people, usually pay attention to control the underlying disease, try to quit smoking. Once the above situation occurs, don’t think of yourself as a calcium deficiency, back and leg disease, but to beware of lower extremity atherosclerosis occlusive disease, promptly to the relevant departments of orthopedics, vascular surgery, to find out the cause of the disease, in order to treat the disease for the cause.  The essence of lower extremity atherosclerosis occlusive disease is the same as coronary heart disease, both are atherosclerosis leading to narrowing of the blood vessels, serious cases are often prone to heart attack, brain infarction, etc.. If you are found to have lower extremity atherosclerosis occlusive disease, it is important to have a comprehensive cardiovascular and cerebrovascular examination in a timely manner. If conditions permit, add this aspect to your routine annual physical examination, especially for people with a history of coronary heart disease, carotid atherosclerosis, cerebral infarction, diabetes, renal insufficiency, etc.  A few self-test methods for early differentiation, you can try to do to see.  You can use the back of your own hand to check the temperature of the dorsum of the feet bilaterally, whether it is similar, if there is a cold abnormality, it is likely to have vascular problems. You can also feel the dorsalis pedis artery, the first toe and the middle line of the second toe, all the way up, at the ankle level, you can feel the artery pulsation, see if the pulsation is normal.  In clinical practice, there is also a more specialized ankle-brachial index (ABI), which determines the blood supply to the lower extremity by measuring the ratio of the systolic pressure of the arteries in the lower extremity ankle to the systolic pressure of the brachial artery in the upper extremity. The normal range is 1.0-1.4, and less than 0.9 indicates ischemia.

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