How to treat male physical disorders

Male physical disorders can be treated through psychological guidance, medication or behavioral therapy, and most of them have a good prognosis.
1. Psychological guidance: psychosexual therapy is an important treatment for psychological erectile dysfunction, and it is recommended that both husband and wife seek guidance from a professional doctor to improve their symptoms.
2. Medication: Patients can take oral medication as prescribed by the doctor, such as sildenafil, etc., which can help to form the recovery of erectile function and firm erection, and is conducive to the continuous improvement of the quality of sexual life.
3. Behavioral therapy: For ejaculation disorder usually refers to premature ejaculation or non-ejaculation, behavioral therapy is usually used, including pelvic floor muscle training and penile extrusion technique and dynamic stopping technique, etc. to improve the symptoms.
In daily life, patients should maintain a healthy and regular lifestyle, pay attention to rest, avoid overwork, stay up late; keep the reproductive body clean and dry, to avoid infection; diet to light, easy to digest, eat less spicy and stimulating food. As long as the patient actively treatment, adjust the mentality, overcome psychological barriers and disease factors, male sexual function can soon return to normal.

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