What happened to the black hole after the extraction?

The blackening of the wound after tooth extraction may be caused by blood clotting, dry socket, wound infection and other reasons. 1. Blood coagulation: bleeding after tooth root extraction, the formation of blood clots will generally fill the empty alveolar fossa, the blood clots contain a large number of red blood cells, dark red, and can be seen as black in the case of low light. 2. Dry socket: generally occurs two to three days after tooth extraction, is a common complication after tooth extraction, the main clinical symptoms manifested in the alveolar fossa severe pain, blackening of the extraction wound, and accompanied by corruption, bad smell and other odors. 3. Wound infection: If you don’t pay attention to the care of the wound after tooth extraction, it may lead to wound infection, which is generally manifested as pain and blackness of the wound, accompanied by grayish-white or yellowish liquid outflow. It is recommended that patients avoid using the affected tooth to chew food after tooth extraction, do not eat spicy and stimulating food, if the wound is black and accompanied by other symptoms of discomfort, should consult a doctor in a timely manner, so as to avoid aggravation of the condition.

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