Does taking colchicine raise creatinine?

Whether taking colchicine will increase creatinine is related to a variety of factors such as adverse effects and personal circumstances, and cannot be generalized. Colchicine is suitable for the treatment of acute exacerbations of gouty arthritis and the prevention of recurrent acute exacerbations of recurrent gouty arthritis. The adverse reactions of this drug are related to the dosage of the drug and can be seen as abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, loss of appetite, proximal muscle weakness, increased serum creatine phosphokinase, thrombocytopenia, neutropenia, shock and other symptoms. If patients do not experience the above adverse reactions after taking colchicine and have normal renal function in the past, it usually does not increase creatinine; if patients experience severe diarrhea, vomiting and other adverse reactions, resulting in blood volume insufficiency, the presence of prerenal factors, and ultimately, acute kidney injury can occur, and this situation can lead to an increase in creatinine. In addition, it is forbidden for those who are allergic to the product, those with low bone marrow proliferation, those with hepatic or renal insufficiency, and pregnant and lactating women. If patients need to apply colchicine, it is recommended to use the drug under the guidance of a doctor, not blindly self-medication to avoid adverse effects.

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