How to treat nose bleed when blowing nose

Nosebleed when blowing nose needs to be treated according to its cause, such as capillary rupture, nasal swelling, etc., and according to the specific diagnosis, we can choose the general treatment, medication, surgery and so on. 1. Ruptured capillaries: If the nose bleeds when blowing the nose due to excessive force, the superficial capillaries at the front of the nasal mucosa rupture, you can choose the conventional hemostatic treatment, such as ice packs, stuffing, etc., and if necessary, you can choose to constrict the blood vessels of the drug, such as hydroxymethoxazoline. 2. Nasal swelling: Nasal tumors and polyps can also lead to nose bleeding when blowing the nose. Treatment requires a combination of surgery, intervention and radiotherapy to improve symptoms. After the nose bleeds when blowing nose, it is recommended that patients go to the hospital to complete the examination in a timely manner, so as to make a clear diagnosis and standardize the treatment.

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