What’s that dark spot in the armpit?

The causes of dark spots on armpits usually include melanin deposition, sweat spots and acanthosis nigricans. 1. Melanin deposition: Repeated rubbing of the armpits may lead to melanin deposition in the armpits over a long period of time, thus leading to the symptom of dark spots in the armpits. This kind of usually do not need to worry, with the prolongation of time will gradually disappear. 2. Sweat patches: also known as lichen planus, this is a kind of skin disease caused by superficial fungal infection, which may also have the symptom of dark spots in armpits. The disease decreases in winter and worsens in summer, and can last for years if left untreated. 3. Acanthosis nigricans: genetically related, it is mostly characterized by rough, thickened, velvety-looking, brown or black patches of skin in the armpits, neck, groin and other places. If there are black spots under the armpits, it is recommended that the patients go to the hospital in time and receive symptomatic treatment under the guidance of professional doctors so as not to delay the condition.

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