What causes white, sticky nasal mucus?

White nasal mucus sticky general clinical consideration is acute rhinitis, chronic rhinitis, chronic sinusitis and so on. 1. Acute rhinitis: acute rhinitis is generally the presence of nasal mucosal swelling, which can lead to sinus ventilation, nasal drainage is affected, due to the accumulation of secretions, so may form a secondary bacterial infection, resulting in sticky white nasal mucus. 2. Chronic rhinitis: generally stimulated by chronic inflammation, resulting in congestion and swelling of the mucous membrane of the turbinate, there will be viscous secretions, and there will be alternating or persistent nasal congestion. 3. Chronic sinusitis: sinusitis generally exists in the sinus mucosal inflammatory reaction, will produce a lot of purulent secretions, because the sinus sinus opening is relatively small, inflammation easily lead to mucosal swelling, so the secretion discharge will be hindered, there will be a white sticky nasal mucus. White sticky nasal mucus, may also be fungal sinusitis, nasal sinus tumors and other causes, it is recommended to actively go to the hospital for a clear diagnosis.

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