What to do if you get itchy insulation foam on your body

Insulation cotton to the body itch is the occurrence of contact dermatitis, can take general treatment, local treatment, systemic treatment and other methods. 1. General treatment: the first need to immediately take off the insulation cotton, to avoid re-exposure. Heat insulation cotton caused by itching, it is recommended not to scratch with your hands, so as not to scratch the skin secondary infection. 2. Local medication: according to the local skin lesions, you can choose boric acid solution, wet compresses, glucocorticoid ointment (mometasone furoate, hydrocortisone butyrate) coated, you can also use glycerite lotion, zinc oxide ointment for external use. 3. Systemic medication: anti-allergic drug therapy, such as oral cetirizine tablets, ebastine and other antihistamines. Patients with more serious conditions can also take a short-term oral dose of hormones such as prednisone. If the symptoms continue to be unrelieved, it is recommended to go to the hospital in time for treatment, do not use drugs privately, so as not to cause danger.

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