How to treat fever after eating bad stomach

If a patient has diarrhea and fever after eating an unclean diet, routine stool and blood tests should be performed to determine whether there is a bacterial infection of the intestinal tract. For patients with intestinal bacterial infection, levofloxacin or berberine can be used for anti-infection treatment. For patients with diarrhea, oral rehydration salts should be used to replenish the body’s water and electrolytes to prevent dehydration and electrolyte disorders. Drugs such as Lactobacillus acidophilus are also needed to regulate the intestinal flora, which can reap better results. If the patient is not found to have a clear bacterial infection by examination, antibiotics can be temporarily excluded. For patients with diarrhea symptoms, rehydration and intestinal flora regulation can be used as the main treatment. Patients with fever can be treated with physical cooling and antipyretic drugs as appropriate. Patients with diarrhea should be closely followed up and routine stool examination should be performed dynamically to observe the changes in their condition.

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