6 types of people to protect the prostate

  The prostate gland is a unique organ for men, which is related to the health of men throughout their lives, but from time to time they create “small problems”.  The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who are not able to get a good deal on a lot of things. The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who are not able to get a good deal on a lot of things.  The alcoholic. Alcohol is harmful to the body in all aspects, long-term excessive drinking, not only to the digestive system, circulatory system, nervous system, metabolic system, etc. is very harmful, and will affect the secretion of testosterone, thus affecting the secretion and excretion of prostatic fluid, easily leading to obstructive prostatitis. Therefore, men should try to drink less.  Tobacco addiction. The tar and other harmful substances in tobacco can lead to the development of many tumors. Whether its causes prostate cancer, although there is no conclusive answer, but authoritative research results point out that patients who smoke when suffering from prostate cancer, the disease and death rate increased significantly. Therefore, not smoking and quitting early is the best way to prevent cancer, including prostate tumors.  Prefer spicy. Excessive consumption of spicy food will make the prostate gland repeatedly congested for a long time, leading to painful ejaculation, burning urethra, poor urination and inducing prostatitis and hyperplasia. Patients with prostate inflammation and hyperplasia should avoid eating chili peppers, eat less ginger, raw onion, raw garlic, pepper and other irritating foods, and should not overindulge in beef and mutton, seafood, coffee, cola, strong tea, etc.  Sedentary. Sedentary harm even more than smoking and alcohol. The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who are not only in a good position to get the best out of the company, but also to get the best out of the company. The actual fact is that you will find a lot of people who are not able to get a good deal on this. However, each bicycle ride should not exceed half an hour.  Staying up late. Staying up late makes the prostate gland very injured. Lack of sleep seriously affects the body’s immune system, making the prostate gland vulnerable to bacterial attack. At the same time, staying up late with tobacco, alcohol, internet, and sedentary add up to more harm.  Scruffy. Sloppy men tend to be poorly dressed, and it’s hard to add or subtract dress code at the right time because of the weather. The perineum is overheated plus neglected to clean, easily breeding bacteria; too cool and will affect blood circulation, easily induced prostatitis. The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who are not able to get a good deal on this.

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