Can you take liver-sparing and yi yang capsule if you are infertile?

If the impotence is caused by liver depression and stagnation of qi (poor qi and blood transportation in the liver, emotional depression) and yang deficiency, you can take Liver-Sparing and Yang-Expanding Capsules. However, it is recommended to use it under the guidance of a physician.

The drug composition of Liver-Sparing and Yang-Expanding Capsules includes Tribulus terrestris, Chaihu, Apis mellifica, and Dilong, etc. It has the efficacy of liver-dispersing and resolving depression (treating depression by unblocking the liver’s qi), and activating blood and tonifying the kidneys.

It is suitable for functional impotence and mild arterial insufficiency impotence caused by liver-depression and kidney deficiency and liver-depression and kidney deficiency with blood stasis. Symptoms include impotence, penile weakness and inability to lift the penis or lifting the penis without firmness, tightness in the chest and good tai yi, fullness in the chest and chest, soreness in the waist and knees (a feeling of soreness and weakness of the waist and knees), a pale tongue or petechiae, and a stringy or thin pulse.

It should be noted that patients should take the drug orally in strict accordance with the instructions, stop using other therapeutic drugs during the period of taking the drug, and avoid drinking alcohol and smoking. When symptoms of cold and flu occur, the drug should be stopped immediately.

If you need to take this medicine, it is recommended to do so under the guidance of a doctor.

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