Can you get a third dose of New Crown vaccine for a cough?

Ordinary cough can be vaccinated with the third dose of Neocoronavirus vaccine. If the cough is caused by other diseases and is in the onset of the disease, it should be delayed or not vaccinated, depending on your specific situation.
According to relevant national data and studies, the following cases cannot be vaccinated with the new coronavirus vaccine:
1. people who are allergic to the active ingredients of the vaccine, any of the inactive ingredients, substances used in the production process, or people who have developed an allergy to the same type of vaccine in previous vaccinations.
2. Persons who have previously experienced a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine (e.g., acute anaphylactic reaction, angioneurotic edema, respiratory distress, etc.).
3. Those with uncontrolled epilepsy and other serious neurological diseases (e.g. transverse myelitis, Guillain-Barre syndrome, demyelinating diseases, etc.).
4. Those who are experiencing fever, or suffering from acute illness, or acute exacerbation of chronic diseases, or uncontrolled severe chronic diseases.
5. Women during pregnancy.
If accompanied by fever or other serious diseases, vaccination is not recommended. Simple cough does not affect vaccination.
If the patient’s cough persists without relief, it is recommended to go to the hospital to avoid delay.

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