How to Straighten Teeth Fast

There is no such thing as fast teeth straightening. The movement of teeth relies on the remodeling of the alveolar bone, where bone resorption and new growth reach a balance, and too much speed will cause faster bone resorption and loosening of teeth. The root of the tooth is located in the alveolar bone, the root of the outermost layer of the tooth is osteoid, which is connected to the alveolar bone by the periodontium, and orthodontics has three major foundations: the alveolar bone of the life-long reconstruction; osteoid pressure resistance; periodontium the stability of the internal environment. Orthodontics, is the force applied to the teeth, compression of one side of the alveolar bone to cause its resorption, the other side of the hyperplasia, while the dentin and periodontium can be stabilized, thus causing movement. So the right amount of force is important for orthodontics. If you try to go fast and have too much force, it will lead to excessive resorption of the alveolar bone and loosening of the teeth. Routine orthodontics usually takes 1-2 years, it is recommended to go to the dentistry department of a regular hospital for consultation and follow the physician’s advice.

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