Is it possible for a hernia to heal on its own in a 65-year-old man?

A hernia in a 65 year old male cannot heal itself without treatment. Hernias are induced by various factors that can lead to increased intra-abdominal pressure, such as chronic cough, constipation, heavy physical activity, exertion, ascites, pregnancy, etc., resulting in weak local tissues, such as the abdominal wall, the fascia and other tissues or tissue degeneration due to age, and hernias are formed under the effect of long-term abdominal pressure. Hernias are divided into congenital and acquired, many congenital hernias can be healed spontaneously with the growth of children, the weak abdominal wall or fascia and other tissues gradually developed, but adults do not have the possibility of re-development, and with the older the individual degeneration is relatively more serious, so it can not be healed spontaneously, but usually due to the prolonged untreated and gradually aggravated. Therefore, hernias in the elderly should be treated with surgery as soon as possible.

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