How long does it usually take for an esophageal surgical anastomosis to grow back?

Esophageal surgical anastomoses generally heal in about 10 days after surgery, with the exception of individual cases of malnutrition and anastomotic infection. The growth of anastomosis is related to a number of factors, such as the patient’s underlying condition, local blood supply, local tension, and his/her own nutritional status. Anastomotic growth is generally slower in patients with underlying conditions such as diabetes mellitus, a large anastomosis, poor local blood supply, and malnutrition. Therefore, although the anastomosis in the esophagus can not eat temporarily, but also through parenteral nutrition and other ways to ensure that the patient adequate nutrition. Only when the nutrition is balanced and the patient’s own physical condition recovers, the anastomosis can grow well as soon as possible. After the recovery of anastomosis, patients should also pay attention to their diet, and should not eat too hard food, and it is recommended to gradually transition to normal diet from fluids, semi-fluids, and ordinary soft food.

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