How many times can you cut hemorrhoids in your lifetime

The number of hemorrhoid surgeries varies from person to person. If the hemorrhoids recur again and are poorly controlled with medication, they can only be surgically removed again, and some patients may have to have hemorrhoid surgeries 4-5 times in their lifetime, and multiple surgeries are usually possible as long as you make sure that the anus is not narrowed. Hemorrhoids is a common benign disease in anus and intestinal department, usually associated with excessive stool time, constipation and many other reasons, divided into external hemorrhoids, internal hemorrhoids and mixed hemorrhoids, may have blood in stool, pain, prolapse and many other symptoms, if the symptoms are mild, you can use MaiZhiLing, anal pessary and other medications under the direction of the doctor for treatment, if the symptoms are more serious, you need to go through surgical excision. If you don’t develop good living and dietary habits in the later stage, it may recur after surgical removal, and you can usually have it surgically removed again. You should develop good living habits, eat more fiber-containing foods, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, drink more water, eat less spicy, stimulating, greasy food, keep bowel movement, and exercise more. The perianal discomfort symptoms, it is recommended that timely consultation, follow the doctor’s advice to actively give treatment, so as not to delay the condition. In order to avoid the recurrence of hemorrhoids, must strictly require themselves, self-discipline prevention.

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