Will you gain weight on eugenol after thyroid surgery?

The generic name of Eugenol is Levothyroxine Sodium Tablets, and taking Levothyroxine Sodium Tablets after thyroid surgery is usually not fattening.
The main function of the thyroid gland is to secrete thyroxine. For patients after thyroidectomy, due to hypothyroidism, thyroid hormone drugs such as levothyroxine sodium tablets need to be taken for a long period of time as a long-term replacement therapy. Levothyroxine sodium tablets themselves do not cause patients to gain weight, while weight loss may also occur if the dose is excessive and causes hyperthyroidism.
Some patients also experience adverse reactions such as arrhythmia, palpitations, diarrhea, restlessness, and insomnia during the administration of levothyroxine sodium tablets, which are contraindicated for those who are allergic to this drug.
Post-thyroid surgery fat, and eating levothyroxine sodium tablets is not a greater correlation, considering the body’s metabolic function decline or overeating, insufficient exercise and other factors caused. If you want to control your weight, you should limit high-calorie foods and exercise properly.
After thyroid surgery, levothyroxine sodium tablets should be taken under the guidance of specialists, with regular review of thyroid function and other tests, and dynamic adjustment of dosage.

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