What’s wrong with white pulp during intercourse?

Sex is an important act to reproduce the next generation, and a normal sex life is an indispensable part of human beings. Sex brings pleasure and is good for physical and mental health. The vagina, cervix and vestibular glands of women secrete fluid during intercourse, which can have a lubricating effect and will appear as white fluid. The normal secretion is milky or clear. If there is bloody discharge, go to the hospital for examination to see if there is vaginitis or cervicitis, and if necessary, vaginal discharge test and cervical cancer screening. Cervical cancer screening can be done once every three years if the screening result is not problematic for two consecutive years. HPV examination in cervical cancer screening mainly checks whether there is human papilloma virus infection. HPV is divided into high-risk and low-risk infections, and the high-risk type is closely related to the development of cervical cancer. If the high-risk type is positive, it should be closely observed and given anti-viral treatment or immunity-enhancing treatment.

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