Does Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan treat toothache?

Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan has the effect of nourishing yin and lowering fire (nourishing yin essence and lowering fire), and can be clinically used for toothache caused by deficiency of yin and fire (deficiency of yin essence in the body, resulting in hyperactive fire) and inflammation caused by deficiency fire. Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan is composed of Zhi Mu, Radix Rehmanniae Praeparata, Rhizoma Dioscoreae, Rhizoma Cypress, Cornu Cervi Pantotrichum, Rhizoma Dioscoreae, Rhizoma Dioscoreae, Poria, etc., which can nourish yin and reduce fire. It can be used in the treatment of yin deficiency and fire exuberance, hot flashes (a burst of fever), night sweating (abnormal sweating after going to sleep and stopping after waking up), dry mouth and sore throat, tinnitus, seminal emission, and short and red urination (small amount of urination with dark yellow color). It should be noted that this medicine should not be taken at the same time with cold and flu medicines. Patients with toothache are advised to go to regular hospitals for consultation and treatment under the guidance of professional physicians for evidence-based treatment.

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