How to correct pelvic tilt

Correction of posterior pelvic tilt mainly involves functional exercises, rehabilitation training, and if severe, treatment. 1. Functional exercise: you can do some exercises such as plank support, you can also raise your legs by lying on your back, these exercises can perfect the muscles of the waist and back, perfect the balance of power, so as to play a corrective role. 2. Rehabilitation training: In addition to exercising on your own, you can also go to the hospital to do some rehabilitation exercises under the guidance of the doctor, such as yoga. Normally, when standing or sitting, you should keep your chest up. When you sleep, you should put a towel or soft pillow behind your pelvis to correct the posterior pelvic tilt. 3. Treatment: If after a period of training, the effect is not good, you can massage, traction and other treatments. If the pelvic tilt is serious, you should consult a doctor in time and correct it correctly under the doctor’s guidance, don’t correct it privately to avoid causing harm.

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