How to take He Shou Wu for best results

In clinical practice, He Shouwu is mostly used in decoction soup for internal use, due to individual differences, so there is no such thing as how to take the best results. He Shouwu has the effect of detoxification, elimination of carbuncle, interception of malaria, laxative and laxative. He Shouwu is bitter, sweet, astringent and slightly warm in nature. It belongs to the liver, heart and kidney meridians. It can be used for sores and carbuncles, scrofula (mainly refers to cervical lymph node tuberculosis), rubella itching, prolonged malaria deficiency, intestinal dryness and constipation. He Shouwu is used for essence deficiency and blood deficiency, dizziness, tinnitus, lumbar and knee weakness, hair white, often used with other liver and kidney tonic, essence and blood medicines, such as Chinese wolfberry, cuscuta, angelica, etc.; scrofula carbuncle sores, itchy skin, can be accompanied by Xia Gu Cao, earth mother of pearl, angelica and other medicines; can also be used with windbreaks, ginseng, peppermint with decoction to wash, treatment of sores all over the body itchy and painful. It should be noted that, stool clearing and dampness and phlegm should not be used He Shouwu. If you need to take He Shouwu, it is best to follow the doctor’s instructions for medication, so as not to play a therapeutic effect.

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