What causes a white tongue?

There are many reasons for white tongue, such as endocrine dysfunction, oral mucosal diseases, oral infections, and systemic diseases.
1. Endocrine dysfunction: it is the most common cause of white tongue, patients have amyloidosis or related diseases in tongue mucosa due to endocrine problems. It is better for patients to go to the hospital to check the gastric secretion function.
2. Oral mucosal diseases: physical and chemical stimulation, smoking, etc., can cause oral and periodontal inflammation, and the tongue mucosa will appear fibrosis or white spots.
3. Oral infections: for example, oral infections such as Candida albicans infection.
4. Systemic diseases: patients with white tongue due to systemic dysfunction, such as immune dysfunction.
If symptoms occur, it is recommended to go to the hospital in a timely manner to do relevant examinations to identify the cause of the disease and then treat the symptoms.

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