Etiology of lower extremity atherosclerosis-occlusive disease?

  The cause of lower extremity atherosclerosis occlusive disease is not well understood by modern medicine, except that it is related to hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, smoking, obesity, hypertriglyceridemia, diabetes mellitus, long-term desk work, lack of exercise, as well as tension and family history, etc. It may also be related to damage to the vascular wall caused by bacterial and viral infections. Under the action of many factors mentioned above, the intima of blood vessels becomes edematous and lipid substances are deposited on the vessel wall, prompting the development of atheroma in the intima of blood vessels, which calcifies and crumbles and forms ulcers on the vessel wall, followed by vascular sclerosis and contracture, resulting in narrowing and occlusion of the lumen.  The mechanism of the disease in Chinese medicine is that the spleen and kidneys are often inadequate in middle-aged and old people, resulting in the growth of phlegm and dampness, which stagnates in the veins and blood channels, causing the blood and Qi to be blocked and the distal skin and tendons to lose nourishment, or the disease develops after a long period of time due to dampness or heat.  Although tinea pedis is not a direct cause of the disease, it can easily cause the toes to break down and become blackened and gangrenous as a result of climate change, and in severe cases, the limbs may even be amputated and disabled.

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