How is the differential diagnosis of lower extremity atherosclerotic occlusive disease?

  Lower extremity atherosclerosis-occlusive disease (PAD) is caused by the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in the lower extremities, resulting in narrowing and occlusion of the lower extremity arteries, which in turn leads to chronic ischemia in the limbs. With the improvement of the overall living standard of the society and the aging of the population, the incidence of lower extremity atherosclerosis occlusive disease is increasing year by year. What are the diseases that are easily confused with lower extremity atherosclerosis-occlusive disease? Here are the diseases that are easily confused with lower extremity atherosclerosis occlusive disease: 1, lumbar disc prolapse This disease can be due to improper exertion in daily life repeatedly recurring attacks, and delayed into chronic, and leg pain, leg cold, intermittent claudication and other symptoms, some patients may even have similar resting pain performance. Many patients with early stage atherosclerosis are misdiagnosed as lumbar detachment and undergo long-term wrong treatment to delay the disease. The correct diagnosis requires careful examination by professional doctors for identification.  2.Age-related osteoporosis caused by massive loss of bone calcium in old age without timely replenishment. It manifests as limb pain, but the skin color and temperature of the painful limb are normal, heavy enough to palpate the peripheral arterial pulsation, and the patient is very prone to fracture. Many elderly patients with arteriosclerosis are often mistaken for this disease, and after calcium supplementation treatment is ineffective, the condition worsens. Therefore, elderly people with limb pain should be examined in terms of blood vessels to avoid misdiagnosis.  3, vasculitis The full name is “thrombo-occlusive vasculitis”, often occurs in young and strong men under 40 years of age, is a chronic progressive inflammatory lesions of small and medium-sized arteries and veins.  4, phlebitis The correct term should be called thrombophlebitis, which is mostly complicated by varicose veins in the lower limbs of patients. It is easy to identify it by going to a regular hospital and finding a professional doctor.

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