Cucumber Seeds Calcium Supplement Recipe, is it true?

The claim that cucumber seeds are a secret calcium supplement is unscientific. Cucumber seeds have a limited amount of calcium and cannot be used to treat diseases or calcium supplements, and it is recommended that patients with calcium deficiency follow their doctor’s instructions. Cucumber seeds contain vitamins and calcium, iron and other mineral elements, eat cucumber seeds in moderation can be supplemented with vitamins and minerals for the body, but the calcium is usually difficult to absorb, and the calcium content of cucumber seeds is limited in the active ingredients, can not be used for the treatment of calcium deficiency and other diseases. Calcium deficiency patients can have perioral numbness, bone pain, tetany, convulsions and other manifestations, can be supplemented through drug therapy, commonly used drugs are calcium carbonate, calcium gluconate, vitamin D, etc., the patient should comply with the doctor’s instructions for the full amount of medication, full course of medication, can not be stopped without authorization or increase or decrease in dosage, in order to avoid the adverse effects. In addition, calcium supplementation can also be carried out through daily dietary adjustments, calcium-rich foods such as milk, bone broth, shrimp, kelp, etc.. It is recommended that patients with calcium deficiency or in need of calcium supplementation should take calcium supplementation therapy under the guidance of a doctor, and should not trust the so-called secret prescriptions or partial prescriptions, so as to avoid delaying the condition and affecting the health of the body.

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