What are the medications that work immediately for idiopathic tremor?

Idiopathic tremor can be treated with oral propranolol, pramipexole, gabapentin and alprazolam, and in severe cases, surgery can also be performed. There is no immediate effect, and individualized treatment is more effective. 1. Propranolol: it is a beta-blocker, which is the first-line drug for the treatment of primary tremor, and it can effectively reduce limb tremor, but it is not effective for head tremor. 2. Pramipexole: it is a commonly used antiepileptic drug, in order to reduce the side effect of drowsiness, it is taken at night before bedtime, and it is effective for hand tremor. 3. Gabapentin and Alprazolam: Gabapentin is a derivative of aminobutyric acid, which belongs to a new type of antiepileptic and anti-neuralgia drugs; Alprazolam is a benzodiazepine sedative drug, which can be used when propranolol and pramipexole are ineffective. 4. Surgery: When the above treatments are useless and the tremor seriously affects the daily life, we can consider the surgery including stereotactic thalamus destruction and deep thalamus stimulation, both of which can better improve the tremor. Deep thalamic stimulation is the preferred surgical treatment because of its low invasiveness, reversibility, and modifiability. The medication used for the treatment of idiopathic tremor varies from person to person and needs to be treated under the guidance of a professional physician.

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