How is tremor treated?

Tremor mainly refers to limb tremor or head tremor, and needs to be treated according to its causes, which include: abnormal thyroid function, neurological problems, abnormal liver and kidney function, and family genetics. For example, those with hyperthyroidism may need to use drugs such as methylthiouracil and tapazole; for Parkinson’s, sodium valproate and carbamazepine may be used.

1. If thyroid function is abnormal, resulting in hyperthyroidism and tremor, medications to control thyroid function, such as methylthiouracil and tabazole, are needed.

2. If neurological problems cause the tremor, such as Parkinson’s disease, anti-Parkinson’s disease medications such as valproate, carbamazepine, etc. are needed.

3. If the tremor is caused by abnormal liver function, it will need to be treated with medications that protect the liver and kidneys, such as silymarin.

4. For family hereditary tremor, the use of drugs can only alleviate it, but can not be completely cured, surgical treatment is relatively more effective. For example, implanting a certain kind of stimulating electrode in the deep part of the brain, called DBS surgery, can significantly relieve the tremor. A specialist will need to determine the cause of the condition before deciding whether to use this method.

A tremor attack requires prompt medical attention to identify the cause and give targeted treatment under the guidance of a specialist.

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