How long does it take for paracetamol to work in the treatment of idiopathic tremor?

The treatment of idiopathic tremor with povidone takes 3 days to 2 weeks to be effective, depending on the patient’s own sensitivity to the drug and differences in blood concentration. Pomidone is the first-line drug for the treatment of idiopathic tremor, which can effectively reduce the amplitude of hand tremor by 40% to 50%. It is advocated to give the drug in small amounts, with the first dose not exceeding 25mg/day, and then gradually increase the dosage, with the effective dose of 50-500mg/day, to be taken orally 2-3 times a day, and the general efficacy of 250mg/day is good and well-tolerated. Due to the different sensitivities of patients to this drug and the differences in blood concentration between individuals, the effective dose is different, so the time of onset of action is also different, the shortest 3 days can be effective, the longest may take 2 weeks. Adverse reactions include visual abnormalities, ataxia, unresponsiveness, dyspnea, gastrointestinal reactions, etc. Contraindications are unclear. Severe hepatic insufficiency, porphyria, asthma and emphysema, allergy to barbiturates should be used with caution; attention should be paid to checking blood cell counts during the use of the drug, and periodically determine the blood concentration of pemetry and its metabolite phenobarbital, and so on. Patients are advised to use the drug in a standardized manner under the guidance of a physician.

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