What are the causes of foot tremor?

  Tremor of the feet is one of the features of Parkinson’s disease. Parkinson’s disease, also known as idiopathic Parkinson’s disease (PD), or Parkinson’s disease, also known as paralysis agitans (shaking palsy), is a common neurodegenerative disease of the middle-aged and elderly, and is the most common extrapyramidal disease of the middle-aged and elderly. The prevalence is 1000 per 100,000 people over 65 years of age and increases with age, slightly more in men than in women. The main clinical features of the disease are: resting tremor, delayed and reduced movements, increased muscle tone, and postural instability.  The following diseases are also the causes of foot tremor: 1, tremor evidence Tremor evidence, also known as vibration off, tremor, tremor, is a disease with head or limb shaking, trembling as the main clinical manifestation. In mild cases, there is only head shaking or slight trembling of the hands and feet; in severe cases, the head shakes and moves greatly, and even has spasmodic twisting-like movements, the two hands and upper and lower limbs tremble more than one, or both the item is strong, the limbs detained. In Western medicine, the involuntary movements caused by certain extravertebral diseases such as tremor palsy, chorea, hand-foot bradykinesia, etc.  2, high cranial pressure hydrocephalus High cranial pressure hydrocephalus is essentially due to obstruction of the ventricular system and subarachnoid space on the cerebrospinal fluid circulation pathway, causing the average intracerebroventricular pressure or pulsatile pressure increase to produce ventricular enlargement, so that it can not compensate, and the corresponding clinical symptoms.  3.Chronic alcoholism Chronic alcoholism generally refers to alcohol dependence and chronic alcoholism syndrome. Alcoholic abuse is a behavioral disorder, a way to escape from unbearable pressure and responsibility. Alcoholic dependence, on the other hand, is a biomedical concept, a special psychological state caused by chronic excessive alcohol consumption, and belongs to chronic alcoholism. Chronic alcoholism (chronic alcoholism) is a long-term (several years to decades, usually more than 10 years) alcohol abuse with a variety of physical and mental disorders, and even irreversible pathological damage, such as alcohol toxic myocarditis, liver function impairment or cirrhosis, multiple peripheral neuritis, central nervous system degeneration or brain atrophy.  4. striatonigral degeneration (SND) was first reported by Adams et al. in 1961. In 1961 and 1964, the authors reported three cases of extrapyramidal damage, autonomic failure and cerebellar ataxia. The symptoms of autonomic failure were milder than those of Shy-Drager syndrome, and although the olivopontocerebellum also had pathological changes, the symptoms of cerebellar ataxia were not as severe as those of patients with OPCA. The disease is a neurodegenerative disease and is classified as a multisystem atrophy.  5.Pediatric posterior cranial fossa hydrocephalus syndrome Posterior cranial fossa hydrocephalus syndrome, i.e., non-traffic hydrocephalus, is a congenital malformation of the posterior cranial recess, mainly due to the accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid to the fourth ventricular cyst, and the symptoms of neurological damage occur. It is also known as Dandy-Walker syndrome, Luschka-Magendie foramen (fourth ventricular foramen) atresia syndrome, lateral foramen of the fourth ventricle and foramen magnum atresia syndrome.

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