What foods are suitable for patients with enhanced speech tremor?

  Voice tremor enhancement refers to the enhancement of vibration caused by the resonance of sound waves that originate in the larynx and travel along the trachea, bronchi and alveoli to the chest wall when the examinee’s voice is emitted by the examiner’s touch. When the examinee emits speech, the sound waves originate in the larynx and travel along the trachea, bronchi and alveoli to the chest wall causing resonant vibrations that can be touched by the examiner’s hand, so it is also called tactile tremor. Voice tremor enhancement refers to the increase in resonant vibration caused by the sound waves that originate in the larynx and travel along the trachea, bronchi and alveoli to the chest wall when the examiner touches the person being examined to produce speech. So, what foods are suitable for patients with enhanced speech tremor? The following is a list of foods that are suitable for patients with enhanced voice tremor: foods rich in protein and nutrients; foods rich in vitamins; foods rich in trace elements are suitable.  1, carp Carp is rich in high quality protein food, which provides the body with the need of nutrients helpful. 300-500 grams per day is appropriate.  2, oilseed rape Enhance the immunity of the body, clear heat and quench thirst, as well as inhibit the inflammatory effect, which is helpful for the recovery of pneumonia patients. 150-200 grams per day is appropriate.  3, tomatoes rich in vitamin C, vitamin A and B vitamins nutrients, stomach, thirst, laxative, detoxification and other effects. 200-260 grams per day is appropriate.

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